zondag 31 januari 2016

SPO600 Lab 4

In our fourth lab we looked at some of the different compiler options and the differences it made in the assembly output. In order to look at the differences we wrote a simple hello world program that was compiled with the different options.

I will go by the options we went over one by one below.

0. Original.
The original command we used was gcc -g -O0 -fno-builtin.
This version is used to compile a file with debugging information, no optimization and without use of builtin functionality. 
1. Static.
Adding -static means the compiler pulls in the entire library the function you are using is in. In this case it pulled in the library that contains the printf function we used to print our message. This results in about a 10 times increase in file size in this case. The advantage of using static is that no matter what system you go to, you can guarantee that the functions you are using will be present, since you include the entire library. The disadvantage is the strain on the file size and if you use static a lot, a lot of your programs will have the same libraries, but with different versions. It will be hard to keep track of security flaws and versioning.

2. Not using fno-builtin.
 fno-builtin means you are asking the compiler not to use the builtin functionality. In this case the compiler recognizes it has a more efficient way to do the printf function because it is only using 1 argument. The compiler realizes that it can use the builtin function puts instead for more efficiency.

3. Removing -g .
 By removing -g from the command we are compiling the file in without debug information, this means the file becomes smaller, but also harder to read. the --source command no longer shows you where the compiler put what part of your code.

4. Adding additional arguments to the printf.
On aarch64 after assigning 7 arguments to different registers, the rest of the arguments get put on the stack through r1. On x86_64 there were only 5 arguments assigned to the registers before putting the rest on the stack. This makes sense because x86_64 has less registers to work with. Interestingly enough, on the aarch64 side the assembly made use of store instead of put to add the arguments to the stack.

5. Moving printf to a separate function called output and calling that from the main.
With this one I thought the compiler would recognise that it is just calling printf and the function did not really have any use, but I was wrong. The assembly called output from the main and in the output was the same section that was previously in the main. If you use arguments to pass the string it also stores some overhead on the stack.

6. Replace O0 with O3.
This instruction asks the compiler to use a lot of optimization(severe), it will actually move some of your code around to do so, so if you compile something with O3 you always have to check whether the functionality of your program remains the same. One of the differences in the output is that instead of returning to the main function after calling the printf function the compiler realized that the printf was the last statement and with an unconditional branch told the program not to bother coming back to the main. Severe optimization also deleted the set up for the stack in this case, because this program makes no use of it.

So this week we saw a small part of what the compiler can do for us and what we can ask it to do. I found it very interesting to finally see what makes it so that any code we write can actually run. I think understanding how the compiler turns our code into assembler can really help us decide what options to use when we want to go for maximum efficiency in our code.

woensdag 27 januari 2016

SPO600 Lab 3

For our third lab we split up in groups to write some assembly, we started by looking at some x86_64 assembler, after which we looked at the differences between that and aarch64 assembler.

Our first assignment was to build a simple loop that loops from 0-9 and displays "Loop: [the current number] \n" of the loop. In order to convert our loop number to an ASCII-character we have to add 48 to the number because this is the offset of characters where the 0 starts in ASCII. We did this by moving 48 into an empty register that doesn't get trampled at the start of the program. Then in the loop we moved the loop number into an empty register, added 48 from the previous register and wrote the result into the rsi register(message location register).
At first we had our string in a .rodata section, this stands for read-only, so when we tried to write into it, nothing happened. We fixed this by removing the ro to spell .data
Next we did not realise that mov moves the full 64 bytes. Even if you only had 1 byte of data.
This caused our number's move to overwrite the newline character at the end of the original string. This is fixed by adding the b suffix to mov and the register you wish to move it from. So it becomes something like: movb %r13b,(msg+6).
On aarch64 moving into the message with an offset was a little bit different, but otherwise the instructions were similar.

Next we changed it so the loop would print from 00-30. This used the div instruction, which takes the rax register and divides it by a chosen register. It stores the result into rax and the remainder into rdx. We divided the loop number by 10, added our offset of 48 to rax and rdx and moved them into the string as we had done in the previous assignment.
One thing to pay attention to: before using the div operation, the rdx register has to be set to 0!
On aarch64 this was similar, but you had to use msub to calculate the remainder.

The last assignment was supressing the first digit when the number was below 10 We did this by checking if the quotient was zero, if it was, we use je(jump if equal) or be(branch if equal) to jump to a label past the mov assignment to move the first digit into the register.

Tips and tricks:
as -g -o filename.o filename.s; ld -o filename filename.o; ./filename compiles and executes a source file in one statement.
Make sure you know whether you are on least significant byte first architecture or most significant byte architecture as it could heavily influence the result of moving a specific byte somewhere.
Copy your files regularly so if you add to a file and you break it, you still have a working copy to try something new on.

Observations about the differences between aarch64 and x86_64 assembler:
- If you need just the remainder on aarch64 you still have to divide, where you get the remainder built in on x86_64
- When moving just a byte on aarch64 you specify a 32 bit-wide register and you work with an offset, whereas on x86_64 you have the option to specify byte sized.

donderdag 14 januari 2016

SPO600 Lab 2

For this weeks lab we will be looking at two Open Source packages from the Free Software Foundation and installing them.
In order to find them I will browse through the GNU project's free software directory at:

My first choice is GNUstep, it is a graphical editor for Objective-C and it plans to add support for C++ in the future. We will look at the documentation offered through
 in order to install the package.

On Fedora, most of the required packages for this installation are included in the "Development tools" group, so it is recommended to install those first.

If you are not on Fedora, the packages can be found in the installation tutorial and each one has a specific use, you can opt-out of most of them if you do not require the functionality so read carefully what each one does.

I tried installing the different packages and running the application, but I accidentally installed it through the install command, thinking it would work as well. I should have compiled it from source instead so my first attempt did not work.

After my first attempt I went to try a simpler program to see if I could get that to install.
I chose http://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Hello which is a modification to the Hello world program everyone writes when they just start programming. It is a demonstrative program meant to educate you. We install it by downloading the source from the provided link. this is a .tar.gz file, which means it is in compressed form.
We can decompress it by using the command
tar -xzf filelocation/filename.tar.gz
After which we install it by executing the following commands:

We can now run our Hello program by typing hello in the appropriate directory.

This is the standard for installing source packages, sometimes the names will be slightly different, for instance ./configuration, view the file names inside the package to see what your specific package requires.

After my success with the Hello program, I downloaded the tar.gz files for GNUstep and used the tar -xvf command to extract them.
After installing the gnustep-make package using ./configure and make, we have to run
 . /usr/local/share/GNUstep/Makefiles/GNUstep.sh
Then we install the other packages the same way we installed the make package.
We are now ready to run GNUstep, before we do though we have to make sure our environment is set up correctly by running the GNUstep.sh file again with the sh command.

After the compilation we can run the program from the commandline. In class I learned that we should not install the files with root privilege, because it could overwrite the packages already present in Fedora. Instead we can just run the programs from the directories in which we installed them.

dinsdag 12 januari 2016

Welcome to my blog

 I am Berwout de Vries Robles, a Software Engineering student in my sixth semester. I am currently enrolled in the CPA program at Seneca College as an exchange student. My home country is the Netherlands, I will be in Canada for my minor semester after which I will return home. I will use this blog to publish course assignments and thoughts regarding Software Portability and Optimization. I hope that it will provide a thorough understanding of my work process and lead to a meaningful contribution for the large open source project we will be working on.